Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Struggle is Real!


Height: 5'1"
Weight: 233 (lost 5lbs this week. Yay me!)
Bust: 50 inches (same)
Chest: 41 inches (lost 1 1/12 inches)
Waist: 44 inches (same)
Hips: 53 inches (lost 1 inch)
Thighs:45 1/2 inches  (lost 1/2 inch)

Current BMI 44 (1 point better then last week!)

Goals for the Week: Continue to not drink soda and drink more water, get more exercise in this week, stay on my diet!


At the beginning of week number one I was definitely gung ho to do all I could to get off to a good start. And I did. My first goal was to get off soda. Going from at least 4 sodas a day to none was not easy and I am not going to pretend it was. The lack of caffeine and sugar was giving me major headaches that no medicine was ever going to fix. As a laid in bed on the first and second night all I kept thinking was if I just went and got one sip of soda my headache would be gone and I could finally get some sleep. Luckily before I gave into that I realized that if I gave into the urges I would be right back in the same spot the next day. I really started to feel like a drug addict. Its crazy what a hold that soda had on me. I just kept thinking about taking that one more sip. You'll be happy to hear though that with the support of some of my friends and the suggestions from them I DID NOT give in. You will be also happy to hear that I have replaced that soda with mostly water. Sometimes I have tea but mostly I am drinking water.

When it comes to my diet my first issue I wanted to fix was making myself eat breakfast everyday. This goal I also did accomplish. It was never a very big breakfast, usually just a piece of fruit and a yogurt but I figured that was better then what I was doing before which was eating nothing until lunch time. The biggest thing I am noticing since I started doing this is that I am actually hungry in the morning and want to get up to eat. Before my husband used to get upset on the weekends because with work he is used to eating early and I wouldn't want to get up and make any food until like noon. He would say "I know your not hungry but I am". Well now I know why he would say that. Cause this weekend I couldn't even wait for him to get up before I went downstairs for my breakfast. Guess my body is just used to that now.

Due to some doctors appointments with my daughter I did have to eat out a few times this week but I did pretty good with that too. I got a chicken sandwich and a salad with a water. There is only so many choices at a fast food restaurant and most of them are bad but I did my best to stay on the diet. Eating out I think is the hardest thing when you are dieting because when I go to a restaurant I have specific things I like to eat and I want that and so its hard when I know I shouldn't get it. This week I was pretty good but I am sure as time goes on it may get harder.

My biggest struggle this week was mostly fatigue. I had headaches from the lack of sugar and caffeine and the fatigue really kicked in I guess from that also as well as just cutting back on food. For a couple days I really had a hard time getting out of bed and functioning. I just did not feel good. I am starting to feel a little better but this is still hard for me.

The weekends for us are extremely busy. My daughter had 2 soccer games this weekend and my son had a lacrosse tournament on Saturday and 2 games on Sunday. Me and my husband usually take turns taking each kid. So Saturday I was with Austin at his tournament. I was looking forward to it because all my dieting buddies would be there and I knew we would be able to talk about our week and how things were going. We as a club set up what they call tent city and we all bring food and drinks to share. I knew food wise this would be hard for me but I made the best of it. There was lots of fruits and veggies so I went straight for that. The kids didn't go near that stuff until ALL the junk was gone so their was plenty to pick from. I also planned ahead and brought some protein bars to eat. I did really well and didn't eat anything I shouldn't. I also drank lots of water.

The one thing I did forget about at the tournament was the massive hill we had to walk up for games if you were lucky enough to play on fields that were at the top of it. Well lucky for us ALL of our games were up there. Yay. That means we had the privilege of trudging up that hill 3 times that day. In the past this hill has been very difficult for me due to some ankle issues (which are finally fixed after 4 major surgeries) and I am not going to lie I am so out of shape it was very difficult this time too, but I did it. My friends that are very in shape said it wasn't hard at all for them but it was down right depressing how hard it was for me. I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf every time I got to the top, but you know what,  I made it and didn't take the easy way out of driving up there. I was so exhausted at the end of the day from it but also pretty proud of my self for doing it. Other people may think this is stupid but for me I avoided this kind of activity at all costs before by having every excuse in the book as to why I couldn't do it but not that day. I just put on my big girl panties and sucked it up and did it so YAY ME! 

As you can see I have made some real progress in my first week but the STRUGGLE WAS REAL  and it was not easy. So if you are planning on starting a journey like this too,  know it is ok to admit it is a struggle and is not easy. I hope as time goes on things get easier but either way with a lot of support from my friends and wonderful husband I WILL KEEP GOING! My family has been my biggest support and I know I am so lucky to have them!

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