Monday, May 2, 2016

Hot Diggity Dog (Donna)

38 years old
Starting weight 174.5
Current weight 172.1
Height 5’5”
Goals: Improve running time, maintain weight loss once goal is reached.
Goal Weight: 149
Let’s cut straight to the meat of this past week.  I lost 2.4 lbs! WooHoo!  One of those lbs was muscle mass, so my faux nutritionist suggested I start eating more carbs for the amount of exercise I’m doing. 

Body Comp

My goals last week were to run 3 miles, 3 times and hopefully get a long run in.  I’m not sure if I was high on adrenaline when I wrote that but I didn’t quite meet that semi-outrageous goal.  Instead I ran 3 miles twice and 6 miles another day, totaling 12 miles this week.  I would love to eventually be running 15 miles a week but this past week was B to the Izzy! (BUSY)  My husband threw his back out last Sunday, so I got a taste of the single parent life.  This included dropping all 3 kids off at 3 different locations every morning, going to work, then picking all 3 kids up at 3 different locations in the afternoon.  Rushing home, getting my oldest ready for baseball 3 of the 5 days, and juggling shopping, house work, homework and dinners in when time permitted.  I have found that sneaking out after the kids are bedtime ready is the perfect running time for my super hectic schedule.  I end up leaving the house around 8pm and get back from my run before 9pm, allowing myself to put the kids to bed and not miss a beat. 
Besides my 2.4lb weight loss, another huge success for me was going back to the gym.  I’ve wanted to incorporate weight training into my exercise regimen but honestly wasn’t ready to do the gym walk of shame.  This is usually the first day back after a very long break where everyone knows you’ve been gone because you don’t see them anywhere else but the gym.  I swallowed my pride and went in pumped and ready.  Here I am accepting my absence and well aware that I may not look as fit as I did a few months ago.  I love him dearly but the owner of the gym tells me that he just took me off auto payment because I have been gone so long.  Not sure if I should be thankful that he is so considerate of my financial well-being or offended that he felt I was gone longer than I really was.  Either way, I got my first work out in and went back for a second time the next day.  I would love to continue this schedule of running 3 days, weight training 2.  Anything else I do will be an added bonus.
All of my yummy meals for the week!
I had one hiccup this week with eating.  Some friends of ours invited us last minute to bbq at the lake. They said not to bring anything because they had drinks and meat.  I searched my cabinets to bring anything that I had bulk so my party of 5 didn’t show up empty handed.  Luckily I had a bag of oranges and a pint of strawberries.  The unfortunate part of this story is I didn’t eat them once we got to the bbq!! I instead indulged in not one, but two hotdogs, Doritos, bean dip and SODA!!!!  Ughhh what is wrong with me?!  It was so dang delicious though.  I’m not going to beat myself up over it.  I had a blast and knew that today was back to business.
At the lake!
My husband is feeling much better so our household obligations have evened out.  I spent a good part of today prepping and cooking meals for this week.  We only have one baseball game this week so I’ll definitely be able to meet my fitness goals.  Here’s to another great week and meeting my 2 lb/week weight loss goal!
See you next week,

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