Tuesday, April 26, 2016

All About Amy!


Height: 5'1"

Weight: 238 lbs.

Bust: 50 inches
Chest: 42 1/2 inches
Waist: 44 inches
Hips: 54 inches
Thighs: 46 inches

Current BMI: 45

Goals: My goals are to lose at least 30 pounds in the next 90 days, Get off needing soda daily and drink more water (at least 4 bottles a day), and commit to exercising more ( at least 3 to 4 days a week if not more). I also would like to be more active with my family and get my BMI into a normal range.

Motivation and Support: My motivation is to feel healthier and have more energy. My support is my husband and kids.


I am a wife and a mother of 3 children ages 16, 10, and 4. My family keeps me very busy but I need to stop using that as an excuse to be lazy. I have always been heavier then my sister and all my friends but over the past few years I have just gotten heavier and heavier and truthfully didn't really care. I go yearly to the doctors and get blood work done to make sure I am "healthy" and when everything comes back normal I use that as an excuse to stay fat. Well just because my body is not rebelling and I am not unhealthy now doesn't mean it isn't coming. I know I am a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Lets face it, I am overweight and have a strong family history of heart disease and I am lucky things aren't worse with my health and I need to stop making excuses as to why I can't get healthy.

I have a very bad habit of not eating breakfast in the morning which I know is not setting me up to do well so one of the things I know I need to change is this. I also drink a TON of soda. I realized the other day I was drinking like 4 20oz sodas a day which in itself is like 1000 calories a day just in soda. That is ridiculous but because of that I am very dependent on caffeine so I know I just can't stop that cold turkey. So I will be looking for other sources for caffeine that are healthier and hope to as quickly as possible get off caffeine all together. Also in the past I have cut out some soda but instead of replacing it with water I would just not drink anything at all. Well this isn't healthy either which is why I want to make sure I am drinking more water daily as well. I mean I go days without drinking any water so I need to improve drastically in this area. I also need to learn to portion control.
We all tend to eat way more then we should  and I am no exception to this. So I will be working hard to make sure I pay attention to what the portion size is and sticking to it. In fact I plan to keep track of what I eat and drink on my phone with an app so I can make sure to keep myself accountable for all I am doing.

My kids are very active. My daughter who is 16 plays soccer on several teams at a time and can't get enough of it. She also is very disciplined about eating and exercising. I always say I need to just follow her around and do exactly what she does and I would be skinny. My 10 year old son plays lacrosse. And our 4 year old daughter of course is 4 so she is very active like she should be. She has some special needs which require us to be at the doctors and therapy a lot and that can be emotionally draining but she has physical issues and still gets out there and runs around and so should I. I am constantly running somewhere with them so that keeps me busy but that is no excuse to be lazy. When I go to practices with them I usually sit in my car or talk to a friend but what I need to be doing is using that time to walk or to do some sort of exercise. Other people do it and I see them but I just never get off my butt and join in. Well that needs to change now! I want to be able to participate with my kids when they want to play and not get tired or worry I am too out of shape to do it.

I really am at rock bottom and need to do something but I also know if I just jump into the deep end without a boat I will fail. I can't jump in and go 100 miles an hour because no one can keep up that pace. So what I need to do instead is start slow and be realistic with my goals and hope that that sets me up for success. I look forward to seeing progress and I know it is not going to be easy but I am ready for the hard work.



  1. Good for you Amy! Good luck with the water because I have the same problem…

  2. You are a big inspiration, Amy! Thanks for being so transparent. I'm sure it will help others to know they are not alone. I think we all could be in better shape including myself. I'm definitely rooting for you. Go Amy! PS - you're already a role model and a good mom. I always enjoy seeing your kids pictures and hearing how well they are doing. You're such a strong advocate for them. I'm glad they have you. Stay strong! - ❤️Debbie
