Monday, May 16, 2016



Not Sucking Anything In!asdf,

I am one day shy of completing my first 30 days to a new improved healthier me!  I’d like to reflect on some accomplishments and challenges that I continue to face.  First, let’s talk weight.  I have to be honest folks, I am scared straight of my home scale…or any scale for that matter.  I fear seeing the same numbers on my scale and I don’t want to experience that sense of disappointment, even though I know I have put in the work and I’m feeling great.  I planned to go get my body analysis done this past week to see my progress on paper, but Aunt Flo showed up and made me have second thoughts.  So I dug out my home scale which was buried far under my bathroom sink (LOL), and I can report happily that it said 168.  I have since weighed every day for 3 days and it fluctuates from 171 to 168.  When I started my journey 4 weeks ago I weighed 178.  When I did my first body analysis 3 weeks ago I was already down 4 lbs., so on paper my journey started at 174.  From both points of view, the weight is coming off.  Slow and steady!! I’m hoping this is the trick to keeping it off once I reach my goal.  I am putting the home scale away, hitting the food and gym hard this week, and after Aunt Flo leaves I will definitely put on my big girl pants and get that body analysis done again! I don’t want to fear my weigh-ins but I tell ya, its nerve wracking!

On to exercise…my work outs have been great. I continue to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I’ve also been running 3 or more times per week.  I’ve become a little manic in this department. If I eat something which I consider to be ‘bad’, I sometimes do a double work out just to make myself feel better. 

 I was talking to my super fit and fabulous friend Carmen at the gym yesterday and while discussing the changes I’ve made I realized there are still areas I can definitely improve upon.  I am taking this information and applying it to goals I’d like to meet immediately. I realize I have been drinking too much diet soda.  I started with one can a day but on the weekends I can sometimes have 2-3 coke zeros.  Immediately I am cutting that out.  I drink one cup of coffee every morning and that should be enough caffeine for me.  So no more coke zero!!  My other ‘cheat’ has been these super delicious Harvest Snap treats!! 

 They are my crack! I’m sure in moderation they are a great replacement for chips and other nasty goodies, but several times I have eaten the whole bag in one sitting!!!!  Oh yes, I just confessed to binging on Harvest Snaps!!  I love you dearly, but I am taking a break from you Harvest Snaps.  I’ve been really good about incorporating more carbs to my diet.  I do think I got a little carried away this week with what I cooked.  I am proud to say that I have continued to prep and cook all of my meals at home.  I traveled out of town for work this week and brought my food with me. I have not veered off that path at all.  I may have cooked a few ‘not so healthy’ meals to cater more to my children’s pallet but I’m really focused on pushing past this week and being more careful with the food I choose for the upcoming week.  Salmon is in the oven as we speak!

Yummy! Salmon!

I’ve definitely broken some really bad habits in the past 30 days and learned new healthy ones.  I can see a difference in my body, especially my face.  It feels wonderful when someone notices my efforts and throws a compliment my way.  Who doesn’t like a little flattery to keep them motivated?  I know what I’m doing works and I know I will meet my goals.  I feel stronger, I can run easier and my mental state has been more stable than in other times when I’m not living such a healthy lifestyle.  I’m excited to see where this leads.  I’m traveling next week for a conference and will not be able to bring all of my meals with  me, so this upcoming week is really my chance to punch it in the gut and lose another few lbs. before my trip!  This is not easy and anyone who says it is, is probably not a mother to 3 children and working a full time job!!!  I’m here to show you it’s possible.  Every effort, big or small, matters.  Everything you put in your body matters. Start by making small changes and the bigger stuff will come when you’re truly ready to commit to the process.

Here’s to another week….without soda and harvest snaps!! BooYah!!!

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