Thursday, September 22, 2016

“You're going the wrong way”~Planes, Trains and Automobiles..


“You're going the wrong way”~Planes, Trains and Automobiles..

I love that movie, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, it's one of my all time favorites and my very favorite part of the movie is when Steve Martin and John Candy were driving down the highway on the wrong side and the couple in the other car were yelling out to them “you're going the wrong way”. It's a scene I think of often and it makes me laugh every time. Today I told myself out of know where, “you're going the wrong way”, it instantly made me laugh and I had to shake my head, I am going to wrong way. What I've been going through in the last two weeks is no laughing matter which is a Lymes disease relapse. It came on slow and then wham, slammed me to the ground. I was down for two solid days barely able to move except to move a fork to my mouth of everything comfort food. I was fatigued beyond what I could handle and in pain from head to toe. I'd been feeling the fatigued coming and the pain but had not experience the crushing blow so quickly with a relapse before. I was diagnosed with Lymes disease over four years ago. After months of pain and not being able to function normally the blood work finally came back with an answer. Desperate for relief I tried seven weeks of traditional antibiotics and felt  even worse than I had been before, so I  turned back to my holistic way of dealing with ailments. Within 8 months I was feeling almost back to normal and have been hyper diligent to keep my chronic Lymes under control. This last nine weeks has brought on a lot of stress! Stress kills! I believe that with all my heart but, that didn't stop me from letting it consume me. Stress is also a key factor in getting a relapse. As soon as I started feeling it coming I started on my regiment but keeping to my healthier way of eating went out the window at the same time. I was so tired, my brain would not work properly, pain took over and here came the carbs including sugar. My holistic tinctures and herbs started kicking in on Saturday and I could finally think straight, my chiropractor worked wonders and I started coming back to life as I knew it but the dread of possibly being at least 10 lbs heavier was not a happy thought. So here I am with this mess trying to organize it  all and putting everything back into its place. A good thing that came out if it is that I'm making a strong effort to ease up and find humor instead of stress. I'm looking through a new pair of eyes at the blessings instead of the stress. I was overwhelmed at the huge undertaking of our yard renovation and going way over budget but the blessing is that we have a absolutely gorgeous yard after 9 weeks of very hard work and saved probably $40,000 dollars in labor not to mention family and friends coming through in an amazing way.  I was holding in stress about being able to pull together a wedding in our yard for my son and future DIL with all the mess of renovations in front of us but the reality of it is that our son is getting married and, getting married to someone that we adore and it is all a precious blessing to be celebrated.

 And, if that's not enough, we added refinancing our home to the mix…getting a lower interest rate…blessing. Then I was forced to see the blessing of eating like there was no tomorrow and feeling like I ruined the journey that I worked so hard for, those blessings are in what I've learned and what I take away from this when I hit these road blocks in the future. Also, that finding the humor in things is a happy place that can replace a lot of undo stress. “You're going the wrong way”…it doesn't have to be negative when you see the lessons learned in it.

As I get back on track I am thankful for second chances. What I'm seeing in front of me is good times with family and friends, feeling healthy, managing stress for a more positive outlook, eating well to be well, seeing my son getting married, enjoying my precious grandchildren, never taking family and friends for granted and being ok if on rare occasions “you're going the wrong way” is a short stint in my crazy life.

As for my weight: 196.4, up 2 lbs but it could have been oh so worse!!!!
For health reasons I am starting a cleanse on October 17th for 10 days. Being and feeling healthy is of the utmost importance to me and everything that follows should fall into place. I leave these last few weeks of ill health and bad choices behind and look forward to what these next few weeks and beyond have to hold.

Tiger update: Kevin joined me in this weight loss journey on May 1st, one week after I started. He has not swayed once, not even a tiny bit, from his high protein and greens diet and eating small healthy portions. In addition, he's got a great workout in our back yard helping with the renovations with my dad and son for the last nine weeks. This all has added up to him losing over fifty lbs. so far and 7 lbs. away from his goal weight. He's dropped two pant sizes and looks great. I have to admit that I like adding his success since mine is not so impressive. Lol

Peace and joy,


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