Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Busy and Stressed!


Have you ever been so busy and stressed that you are just in survival mode? Well that's how I feel right now. I am taking it day by day and sometimes minute by minute. I have been so busy the last 2 weeks that I have to check my calendar several times a day just to remember where I am supposed to be at that moment. I feel like I am just running back and forth here and there all day long. A lot of days I am dropping one kid off somewhere and going to get the next kid for their activity. Thankfully things are getting a little easier since my oldest daughter got a car so I don't have to take her everywhere anymore. But things are very busy still. I always say my youngest daughter Savannah is like a full time job. When people ask me what I do for a living I always say Savannah. Lol I love her very much but boy does she keep me busy with all her doctors appointments and therapy appointments and school and activities. The past few weeks with her have been filled with lots of doctors appointments.  More then usual. This is our life and I know that but it doesn't mean it's always easy. I just feel like my stress level is through the roof.

So how does all this translate when it comes to dieting, exercise, and trying to be healthy. It translates in to me completely falling off the wagon. Me and my well being have completely gone to the way side. When you are just trying to survive it's hard to think about working on yourself. I have been eating horrible, and haven't exercised at all. I'm not proud of it but I am doing the best I can right now to be a good mom and sometimes that means I don't have time for myself. It's all I can do to get to bed time. Right now that is my absolute favorite time of the day. Sad but true. I keep looking at my upcoming weeks and they are as busy as the last. But I know it won't last forever so for now I am just holding on for dear life and trying to enjoy the ride.  

My goal this week is to try to get Atleast one part of my health back in order. Baby steps right?  If anyone has any suggestions of how I can squeeze myself into my busy life feel free to let me know. Lol

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