Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Vacation is a diet KILLER!


Weight: 227 lbs
Vacation is a diet killer for sure.

In my opinion you have to have complete self control to be able to stick to a diet and exercise plan while on vacation. I do not have such self control.  I mistakenly figured that since I knew I would be getting in alot more exercise than usual with all the walking we would be doing that I could eat whatever I wanted. WRONG!!! Now I did not completely go crazy with food but I also did enjoy myself. That's what vacation is for, right? This is proof that I have a long way to go in my way of thinking. This proves I still have the mind of an overweight person that will find any excuse to eat whatever I want. Food to me is an addiction just like drugs and alcohol are to other people.  
When I got home from vacation even though I hadn't eaten great, I hadn't eaten horrible either and I had done exercise so I was actually excited to get home and weigh myself. I figured at the least I would have stayed the same and if I was really lucky I would have maybe even lost some weight. Well neither happened. I had gained almost all the weight I had lost back. I was back to 235 again. All that work down the drain. Truthfully I spent several days after that weigh in telling myself this isn't worth it and that I should just quit and get used to the fact that I was going to be fat the rest of my life. I was so defeated in that moment. So at that point I didn't quit but I wasn't trying either. But then the craziest thing happened. I got on the scale and it kept going down everyday. Truth be told I think it was God's way of telling me don't quit. Keep trying. 
So today I am at 1 pound lighter then I was before we left for vacation. I am not going to lie though the weeks that we have taken off from the blog I have not been too committed at all. I had even considered quitting the blog. I have so much on my plate lately and I feel quite overwhelmed. But being off made me realize that without this blog I for sure will keep going back to my old ways and will not continue trying to lose weight. This blog is the only thing keeping me semi accountable. So I guess for now I will keep trying. It's really hard though not to feel defeated. I also need to learn to remember that it's not about the pounds it's about feeling good about myself. I guess for now I need to stay the course and just keep going!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Amy! I love reading your blog even though I talk to you all the time. HA! I think you are doing great and have really been trying to eat right and exercise. Losing weight is hard. Even for me. I hate exercising and I want to eat what I want to eat. I am just not motivated. I love your positive attitude. I need to try to adopt that myself.
