Sunday, July 17, 2016

Mom, what's a flip phone?

Hubby, Me, Paw-Paw, and Bells

We are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!  The driven. ladies took some time off to vacation with family but are anxious to return to our healthy transformations and sharing them with all of you.  That is the thing about vacations they are awesome but they throw me off-kilter.  I usually eat well and exercise until Tuesday or Wednesday and then I cave to all of the temptation vacation has to offer...delicious but fattening foods, too much "relaxing", and just having a good time.  When it is time to come home, I am usually ready, there is something that I crave about getting back into my life.

We came home and I was anxious to weigh myself.  I ran twice, used the elliptical once, played tennis, and was active overall.  My eating was sporadic, I would miss entire meals and eat sugary foods in the place of them.  I was really complacent about my eating habits.  Well when I weighed in I was 1 lb lighter, that never, ever happens.  I was pretty shocked.

Since we have gotten home life is non-stop.  Have you ever looked around your house or even your life and felt overwhelmed by the volume of stuff or commitments you've made and feel compelled to "clean house".  To rid yourself of excess so you can breathe easier?  I felt that way when I returned home  from vacation and I realized that it was time to get organized.  I wanted to regain control of my house.  Once I started, I realized how out of order things were. By the end of my purge I had 3 huge contractor trash bags full of useless junk.  I looked around at the clutter free spaces and  I wanted that for myself, I want to rid myself of all the excess in my life that does not add any value.

 I took a major step, hold on for this, it is huge...I traded my iphone for a no frills flip phone.  It does exactly what I need it to do, phone calls and text messages.  It eliminates the access and temptation to distract me from what is really important, my health, my family.  I want to spend my time with purpose not numbing myself with facebook, instagram, internet, you name it.  I want to use that time to train my brain to do things that will add value to my life.  I want to develop a routine, that I stick with.  I want to do this so that I am successful in this journey.  I function better when I am organized and so does my family.  Our overall health and happiness is better because I have time to prep food, think about healthy meals, pick up around the house, plan activities, have real conversations with my kids, actually listen to my husband, and develop my spirituality. Be a better me, So I can be better for my family.

Overall I think it is safe to say I want routine not the hot mess that I am now.  If those filthy little words routine, organization, consistency were something I could wrap my head around, you'd think in 39 years I would have implemented something that resembled a routine.  Unfortunately for my family and everyone that knows me, I am just, well, the polar opposite of those ugly words I mentioned above.  Here is the thing, I know that change is possible.  It will be imperfect progress full of missed appointments and spontaneous adventures in lieu of homework but I will get there and hopefully my kids will turn out okay?   Here's to living YOUR life on purpose!!

The family at Luray Caverns

The Kiddos at the reflection pond

A rock at Luray Caverns

Is that an organ and the most beautiful smile EVER!

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