
The past two weeks have been very successful for reaching my goals. The path to success was painful, very painful. Remember I told you a little while ago I signed up for a half marathon with my husband. This would be my 3rd and his 1st half marathon. The idea I had when I asked him was that we could motivate each other to train towards the ultimate goal, crossing that finish line in Philly on September 18th. Well, most of the motivating has been coming from my husband and all of the eye rolling is coming from me. Quite honestly I thought the roles would be reversed because he has never, ever liked running. I remember when we were in the Navy together; we would all have to rally around him to get him to finish a mile and a half. It amazes me that he is has all of this grit and determination to 1. stick to the training plan and 2. actually run. I have been the absolute worst running partner...ever. I always have excuses why we should not run, when he finally gets me out there, I have lots of reasons why I am "distracted". I eventually do get onboard with our run and do the best that I can. At the end he always wants to run sprints to "push ourselves", I get that, but, NO. My final assessment is that he is the perfect partner for me, he does not let me off the hook, he is encouraging, and he is the motivated one (Thank Goodness).
My runs are a whole other conversation. I used to be able to run at least 5 miles with out stopping. This is no longer the case. I am so out of shape I can not even believe it. I was running yesterday at the park and I broke down and started crying because I was so frustrated. My Dad and Miguel were ahead of me so they did not see me, but the emotion came over me quick. It left just as quickly and it actually gave me the drive I needed to get past my slump. My husband says I am having a mental block, he is probably right (eye rolling) but I would have to be honest here and say that my muscles have turned into Jelly. After our 4 mile runs, I feel like this:
My Daughter Passed out Asleep on my Bed
My plan is to start cross training to build my muscles back up so I am not so stinking exhausted. I have followed high intensity interval training or HIIT in the past and I have gotten amazing results.
I have lost 5 lbs since I started this endeavor on June 4th. That is an accomplishment for me because the weight is usually so slow to come off of me. I went to the doctor and from my last appointment in March I was 152, so that is 10 lbs down from March..woohoo I really don't have any negative things to report, the week went smoothly. Honestly I have to cut this a little is the Game of Thrones season finale tonight...I know you understand.
My Dad joined us for a run and it went really well. I love running with my Dad, he is pretty awesome. He looks good for his age, doesn't he? He says he reads my blogs lets see if he really does...hahha. The trap is set.
Honestly, I don't read them all. I guess I'm a little slow to catch on to blogging. I do however share them faithfully, so true bloggers have a chance to read them. I have vaca coming up, I plan on catching up on all of them via a blog marathon.