Saturday, June 11, 2016

Every choice is not a good a choice...


They say a picture is worth a thousand words.... Well 99.9% of the time I absolutely hate my pictures.  This picture with one of my best friends is among the .1% that I like.   The smiles say it all!  
We were having a fun night learning about make up and colors that highlight our eyes.  We both got a good laugh when we reflected on the amount of times we actually wear make up.  The special occasions, the date nights with our husbands or the make up party that we attend. Make up is like that, we can choose to take the time to apply it and enjoy the glow or we can choose not to take the time and embrace our natural beauty.  Either choice equally acceptable... Either choice is the best choice for the person choosing.  

I wish exercise and healthy eating could be that simple.   Any choice is a good choice, whatever you choose is equally acceptable.  
It's just not that simple. Our bodies need the healthy foods and the exercise or else else we pay the physical consequences of our ill decisions.    We can't choose to eat healthy only on special occasions or On date nights.  

I  started to re- read a book titled Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst this week. It talks about her personal journey with the decision to get healthy once and for all. To get the plan that works for her, follow it, stick with and win at this battle.   She is very specific about her plan and is clear that every person has to figure out what is best for them.  You see it is not as simple as the makeup card- all brown eyes wear this, hazel eyes wear this and blue eyes wear that. This healthy eating, wellness goal stuff is a personal journey for each of us. And we all need our list of our own reasons that keep us Driven.   

Every choice is not a good choice.  
We need to be specific about our good choices. We need to drill into our own bodies and figure out what our triggers are for over eating, unhealthy lifestyles and lack of exercise.    Sometimes we need to do this daily to keep ourselves on the plan.   We need to continuously remind ourselves that not every food choice is a good choice.  Not every lifestyle choice is a good choice. 

This week I made some really good choices and some not so great choices.  I needed to write this mental picture out for myself this week.  Some choices have much more lasting impact than others.    I need to continue to get serious about the healthy lifestyle choices I make daily.  I need to rely on God and my support system to help me.   

Exercise was one of the not so great choices this week... I struggled getting my time scheduled to have time to workout.   This upcoming week is already on the calendar!  

Best wishes for deciding what choices are best for you and for making the right choices that support your healthy lifestyle. And hey, a girl can wish that this journey was as easy as picking out new eye shadow.   Grace and motivation until next week. 


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