Thursday, June 30, 2016

The "C" Word.


HEIGHT:: 5’8”
STARTING Weight on 4-25-16 : 208
TODAY’S Weight: not getting on that evil scale until 7-25-16
GOALS:  Fit comfy into any size 12, no muffin top and with a tight shirt!
Establish playtime on a daily basis that helps me achieve a strong body. Break old habits!
MOTIVATION and SUPPORT:  My husband, my family, my friends and my Lord.

What a week I’ve have had!! On June 28th at 10:15 am my beautiful grandson, Lennon, was born. He was due June 19th but came in his own perfect time. Not only was I anxious and excited about his arrival I was also on edge about my daughter giving birth again. After she had her first child things got scary very quickly! Without going into details I'll just say I was a terrified mess after she gave birth the first time and all we could do is wait, waiting with that ‘blood running cold, scared, pale faced and nervous wreck’ kind of waiting. Obviously she came through, praise God, but her having another child was exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Things ran so smooth this time, she had a wonderful experience and Lennon came out perfect! As we waited for the birth, we played with our five year old grandson, I did lunges, planks and squats in the waiting room and took a mile long walk around the birthing center which was located in the center of Amish country surrounded by farm land and serene beauty everywhere. So, now that we are out of the woodworks, our precious grandson is here and I'm not glued to my phone waiting for “the call”, I will get back on track.

Ok, let's talk about cellulite, every woman's favorite subject! NOT!!! I feel like if my legs were free of the “C” word I'd walk around in short shorts and not care how big my legs were. I see heavy set girls without “C” and they look great! Babies are born with it (and look cute as all get out with it, why can't I?), at what point does it go away and WHY does it have to come back?!!! As I see muscle definition and improvement in my legs I have a hard time getting past the “C”! What's the secret? How does it go away? Does it go away? As in any weight loss/get fit regiment, I feel that achieving a “C” free body is a major part of the goal. I've been lifting weights, lunging, squatting, planking, leg lifting, walking, biking and yoga’n and still I have it. I've googled and tried so many “treatments” and still, there it is!! Life without “C” would be so kind, like walking up to door with a glass screen door (have you noticed that “C” doesn't show up in glass screen door images? Lol), as I do at work everyday when delivering mail and seeing the shape of your legs without the “C” and thinking “wow, not bad, that's what my legs would look like without it!” It's just something I realized is always a factor for me. Per the Internet and what improves the “C”, I'm already doing them so if anyone has any exercises, lifts or moves that has personally helped in this area, I'd love to hear about them.

I'm ready to get real! I'm ready to up the anti, move to the next step, jump in with both feet! Since I'm not weighing in until July 25th I am feeling the need to at least go get my body analyzed so I have something to go by. I know my body fat has reduced and I wish I would have started this journey with getting my body analyzed but better late than never. The way I'm looking at this is that I'm going forward and learning as I go and there is no looking back.

Who's moved their bodies today? This is a daily question that us Driven girls ask each other and it's become the question I wake up with and its the inspiration to get me to move. What would I do without them? 😘

Until next week,
Peace, Panda

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Live with No Regrets!


Weight: No Clue...I'm on vacation!

When it comes to weight loss vacation is not always the best place to do that. My family and I are at the beach this week on vacation.  I knew being here would be both good and bad for my diet. Good because I would be exercising more and bad because I knew my food choices wouldn't be the best.

When it comes to my diet I have to say I haven't completely fallen off the wagon but close to it. There are not always tons of healthy options here when it comes to food. When we have eaten out I have tried to make kind of healthy choices but then other times I don't have a choice but to eat something that isn't great. What I have been trying to do in that situation is control my portion size. To me if you don't have a choice in the matter of what you eat you do have a choice in how much you eat. I always say everything in moderation. Too much of anything is bad so just control yourself and you will be fine. It's fine to have fun and enjoy a break just don't enjoy it too much or you'll regret it later.

Now when it comes to my exercise things have been going great. The beach is great for the fitness aspect of things.  We are staying within walking distance to the to the beach and boardwalk so we are walking somewhere all the time. And walking through the sand can we great exercise.  I would say we are easily walking 5 miles a day. What I like about it is that I don't even feel like I am exercising yet I am constantly burning calories. Its always nice when you are exercising but you don't even realize it because your having fun doing it! 

At the end of the day I don't know whether I am gaining or losing weight on this vacation but I don't really care because every once in awhile it's okay to let loose and have fun. Just remember to keep it to a minimum and get back on track when you get home. Life is about enjoying yourself but don't do so much of that while on vacation that you have regrets when you get home. Live with no regrets!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

When the Wife's Away...


Oh boy, where do I start?  I had an extremely long week.  I am training for work 4 hours from home so I spent last week in a hotel.  I worked my tail off during the day in class and then 3-4 hours on my laptop each night from my hotel.  With all that going on and being away from my family, squeezing my gym time in each day was a treat. I ran 5 miles a day on the treadmill just to 
de-stress.  I ate the best I could under the circumstances.  My lunches were eaten in a cafeteria so I made the best choices from the foods available.  

I chose not to weigh myself until I’m back home next week.  I’m hoping I lose weight with the change in exercise but honestly I’ll be happy just maintaining!  We had a break in class this weekend so I went home for 1 ½ days to see my kids.  The training I’m receiving is invaluable for my professional and personal growth but all of this would not be possible without the support of my biggest fan, my hubby!!!  I want to dedicate this blog to my husband of 12 years.  He is no doubt my rock and my biggest supporter.  While I am away for work, he is holding down the fort, to include every aspect of parenting our 3 beautiful children. 

 I know it’s not easy for him but I appreciate everything he does.  I may not say it enough, but I want him to know that there’s no one else I’d rather walk through this life with.  He is my best friend and I love him to death. 

So let’s get to the juice of our journey…my husband has also been making major lifestyle changes.  He was a little late to join me, but in 2 weeks he’s lost over 12 lbs. Yes, that’s more than I’ve lost in 9 weeks… I swear, I hate men sometimes!!  This has happened by changing his diet alone.  The sky’s the limit once he adds exercise to his daily routine.  I haven’t told Libby this, but one of my dreams is to run a race with my husband.   Like Libby’s Dad, my husband says he reads my blogs, so we’ll see once this is released if he accepts my challenge of running a race together one day. (Trap set)

I can’t express how excited I am for us and our future!  We are building the life we have always dreamed of…it’s awesome to see dreams become reality. 

On a side note, it’s 11pm and I am exhausted. I just drove 4 hours and my eyelids are shutting!!  Everyone have an awesome week!! I love you babe…see you Friday.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Howdy there Partner!


The past two weeks have been very successful for reaching my goals.  The path to success was painful, very painful.  Remember I told you a little while ago I signed up for a half marathon with my husband.  This would be my 3rd and his 1st half marathon.  The idea I had when I asked him was that we could motivate each other to train towards the ultimate goal, crossing that finish line in Philly on September 18th.  Well, most of the motivating has been coming from my husband and all of the eye rolling is coming from me.  Quite honestly I thought the roles would be reversed because he has never, ever liked running.  I remember when we were in the Navy together; we would all have to rally around him to get him to finish a mile and a half.  It amazes me that he is has all of this grit and determination to 1. stick to the training plan and 2. actually run.  I have been the absolute worst running partner...ever.  I always have excuses why we should not run, when he finally gets me out there, I have lots of reasons why I am "distracted".   I eventually do get onboard with our run and do the best that I can.  At the end he always wants to run sprints to "push ourselves", I get that, but, NO.  My final assessment is that he is the perfect partner for me, he does not let me off the hook, he is encouraging, and he is the motivated one (Thank Goodness).

My runs are a whole other conversation.  I used to be able to run at least 5 miles with out stopping.  This is no longer the case.  I am so out of shape I can not even believe it.  I was running yesterday at the park and I broke down and started crying because I was so frustrated.  My Dad and Miguel were ahead of me so they did not see me, but the emotion came over me quick.  It left just as quickly and it actually gave me the drive I needed to get past my slump.  My husband says I am having a mental block, he is probably right (eye rolling) but I would have to be honest here and say that my muscles have turned into Jelly.  After our 4 mile runs, I feel like this:

My Daughter Passed out Asleep on my Bed

My plan is to start cross training to build my muscles back up so I am not so stinking exhausted.  I have followed high intensity interval training or HIIT in the past and I have gotten amazing results.

I have lost 5 lbs since I started this endeavor on June 4th.  That is an accomplishment for me because the weight is usually so slow to come off of me.  I went to the doctor and from my last appointment in March I was 152, so that is 10 lbs down from March..woohoo  I really don't have any negative things to report, the week went smoothly.  Honestly I have to cut this a little is the Game of Thrones season finale tonight...I know you understand.

My Dad joined us for a run and it went really well. I love running with my Dad, he is pretty awesome.  He looks  good for his age, doesn't he?  He says he reads my blogs lets see if he really does...hahha.  The trap is set.

Thursday, June 23, 2016



HEIGHT:: 5’8”
STARTING Weight on 4-25-16 : 208
TODAY’S Weight: not getting on that evil scale until 7-25-16
GOALS:  Fit comfy into any size 12, no muffin top and with a tight shirt!
Establish playtime on a daily basis that helps me achieve a strong body. Break old habits!
MOTIVATION and SUPPORT:  My husband, my family, my friends and my Lord.

PANDA LOG 06.23.2016

I'm a Libra and my scales tip easily! I can go from one extreme to another or be completely even keel and I can feel chilled and hyper at the same time. There probably is not a moment that I'm sitting and “relaxing” that my leg is not moving or some part of me is not tapping. This all gets exaggerated when I'm anxious or excited. I've been anxious and excited for a few days now waiting for my grandson to make up his mind to enter into this world! I took a week off to get things done around my house and help out with my 5 year old grandson when Lennon arrives and here I go back to work tomorrow and he's not even showing any interest in exiting his momma’s belly. The stress of being in the middle of my mail route in the next couple of days and getting the call is overwhelming me. On top of that anxious feeling, my mom will be going in for surgery on Friday. Being 3000 miles away is actually giving me a panicky feeling. It's a feeling of being hyper and paralyzed all in one.

On the food side of all these tense feelings I've done well. On the fifth day of my stay-cation I ate whatever I wanted and just didn't care. I'd gotten tons done around the house and still had three days left to be home and for Lennon to come so I was feeling chill that day. Come day six, seven and today I'm feeling the crunch and it's not pretty, but I didn't continue my binge eating after the “day five cheat”. I'm finally feeling like all of these changes I've been making along the way in the last nine weeks are habit now and part of my new life style. When I started this journey my biggest problem was emotional eating and after making choices to change that day after day it's now manageable, that's huge! I look at how I'm feeling at this moment and, nine weeks ago if I felt like this I'd be heading for the carb highway full speed and not looking back. Instead I will take this last vacation day and head out to do something enjoyable and productive and pray that I get a call that Lennon has decided to come. I pray for a safe delivery for my daughter and Lennon and a safe surgery for my mom on Friday. Thanking the Lord for all his blessings!!!

I'll end with a progress report: I now fit into my size 12 Gap jeans! I have a pair of Kut from the Kloth size 12 jeans in my closet, they are my favorite pair of jeans, the last time I tried them on before I started this journey I could not get them past my bum. I can now zip and button them, not zip, button and wear them in public, but it's progress!!! My husband has lost 20 lbs. and down a pant size!!! He looks great and I'm am so glad that he decided to join me on this life changing journey!!



Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Progress is Progress!


Current Weight: 228 (That's 1 pound YAY!)

As you can see I was able to lose 1 lb this week. In the past I would have not been happy at all with that amount of weight loss. In the past I would have gotten down on myself about not doing more. But not today. I am a very busy mom of 3 kids and I am proud of myself for any progress I am making big or small. Who says we can only celebrate the big achievements?  In the past I would have for sure quit by now. Not to say I haven't thought about it but I really am trying to make some changes. It's really hard not to want to quit when you go week after week with no progress at all. But I just keep telling myself it didn't take a week to put all this weight on so it sure the heck isn't going to just take a week to get it off. We all want the quick fix and truth be told there is no quick fix for this. It requires alot of hard work and time. But I promise you you will want to celebrate every last pound because of how hard you have worked. Truthfully in the past I have been able to lose weight pretty quickly by not really having to even work that hard but this time has been different.  It has been so much harder to lose any weight at all. I don't know what is different but I am definitely having to work for each and every pound. But when the pounds do come off it makes it that much better because I know how hard I had to work to get it.

Like I said I know it may seem stupid to some of you that I am so proud of just one pound but that one pound is one more I never have to worry about again. And that one pound means that I kept going and didn't quit even though that would have been easier. So just be patient and keep working hard and at some point it will pay off!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

On the Road Again...


Great news!!  I upped the ante last week to get over a hellish plateau that I have been stuck at…and it worked!  I tightened up my diet and did 2 a day work outs!! I lost 2 lbs.  I am down to 167.  Here’s the tricky part, coming off of that awesome week, I am now traveling for the next 2 weeks for work.  I am living out of a hotel room.  I tried to prepare as best as possible by bringing lots of fruit and healthy snack options with me.  I’ve been here 2 days and so far so good. Both nights I have spent over an hour working out in the hotel gym and I’ve been eating pretty well.  Last night I ate a protein bar for dinner because I wasn’t very hungry after the long drive.   I ordered Chili’s To Go and ate steak with vegetables! 

It’s definitely hard to be away from my husband and kids, but I want to prove that traveling and eating out is not detrimental to my weight loss journey.  I refuse to let my emotions get in the way.  I am excited to see if I knock it out of the park by completely changing everything or if I get stuck on another plateau.

Work is pretty intense so I destressed with some retail therapy this evening.  I was brave and tried on swimsuits.  I didn’t end up buying any, but I did buy lots of other cute summer clothes in a size Medium, and even a SMALL!! Yes, I said the S word.  Also, for anyone who knows me well, I am not a shorts person. I usually wear capris in the summer.  The only time I wear shorts is around the house or to go swimming.  I found a really cute pair of denim shorts in a size 10, so I bought them!!!  I’m very excited that my body is changing and it definitely shows in the clothes that I’m buying. 

I keep reiterating that this is a process, a journey, not anything to be rushed…and this week just reinforces that.  All the hard work that I’ve put in is paying off. Some weeks are harder than others, but when I look at the progress I’ve made it makes me feel proud for never giving up.  I will continue to push through any struggles and rejoice in the victories!!!  Half way there!!  Keep up the awesome work, everyone!!

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Best Gift of All

Name:  Nikki
Height:  5’5” – I think.  My driver’s license says 5’7”, but there’s no way…I think I’m shrinking.
Weight:  125
Goals:   Tone and build some muscle, maintain a regular fitness routine, and continue to improve my nutrition and strive for a consistently healthy diet.
Motivation/Support:  Faith, family, friends and my challengers and fellow Beachbody coaches.

Doubt increases with inaction.  Clarity reveals itself in momentum.  Growth comes from progress.  For all these reasons, BEGIN.  ~ Brendon Burchard
I have been at this health and fitness journey for quite a while.  My latest commitment began almost four years ago on my birthday.  I was tired of joining the gym, going strong, and then quitting because life got in the way.  I decided, on my 41st birthday to give myself the gift of health and fitness.  No more excuses.  I would workout at home so that I could fit exercise into my crazy lifestyle.  And I would drink Shakeology and start trying to improve my eating habits.  I signed up as a health and fitness coach, too…at the time, it was just for the discount, but I’ve really enjoyed encouraging others on their health and fitness journey.
Guess what?  I’m still a work in progress.  I don’t say that to discourage you.  I think anything worth doing takes time.  Those quick fix schemes are just that…a scheme…a temporary detour.  If a change is going to stick, it needs to be gradual.  It needs to become a new habit.  Now that my exercise routine is a daily practice, it’s just part of my routine.  I lay my exercise clothes out the night before, set up the DVD player, and set my alarm.  When I get up, I get dressed and get moving before I really have a chance to think about it.  And I always feel better afterwards.  If I miss the morning workout for some reason, it is very difficult to get it in later in the day because I’m a busy working mom of two active kids and there’s no time and no energy at the end of the day.  My nutrition is next on my list.  I’ve definitely made some changes for the better, but there is still some work to do.
Being a Beachbody coach has been a huge source of accountability for me. How can I ask others to make changes if I am not willing to make them myself?  And my Beachbody coach team members have become like family.  If ever I stumble, they are always there to inspire me and help me back on my journey.  I’m currently finishing up the 22 Minute Hard Corps workout calendar.  At the end of the calendar is an optional Hell Week.  I wasn’t sure if this was something that I could tackle, but after seeing others on my team complete it, I decided to give it a try.  And they are all cheering me along as I go.  Two more days!
Moral of the story is, you can do more than you think you are capable of…you just need to be willing to take the first step.

Till next time,


Thursday, June 16, 2016

I LOVE "Firsts".


First of all a big shout out to my sis, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love you, sissy! 🎈

Working six days a week wears me out, especially working for six days a week consecutively for months on end, but it makes it easier to keep to a routine. I am on vacation for a week as of yesterday and I'm very interested as to how I'm going to deal with my day to day exercise routine that I've kept up with for the last 7 ½ weeks. Tune in next week and wish me luck.

Last week was the first time I've dealt with “real” emotional eating desires since I started this journey. My dad was in the hospital for a heart issue and underwent surgery and, my parents, my whole family for that matter, are all 3000 miles away from where I live now. It was tough and I was so scared. When I got the news that he was out of surgery my adrenaline started slowing down and the almighty emotional eating desires kicked in the high gear. I planned on going to Mexitaly for a beer and French fries after work and just veg out and collect myself until I realized I was going back to old habits. I picked up my phone and told my husband how I was feeling and what I was planning and he talked me off the cliff. This was a huge step for me because for all of our marriage my usually behavior was to do whatever calmed my emotions down and not talk about it for a day or a few days, and then tell my husband how I was feeling and what I did about it. The lesson I learned by this was amazing, it was a “first” to deal with my emotions in real time with my husband, well with anyone for that matter. I felt empowered, not right away, but the next day I felt so proud. Not just that I didn't suck down some carb filled beers and fattening fries (btw, if you're local, Mexitaly has awesome beer and fries!), but learning that I can share my feeling in real time. I'm 48 and this has been an issue for me as long as I can remember. This brought my husband of 30 years and I just that much closer. I love the “firsts” in our relationship, it happens in all different ways and always makes me smile. I'm not out of the woods though, my daughter is due any time and the excitement is building, I just have to throw myself into the moment of every wonderful emotion and leave the food out of it!!

As far as my “baby step” approach is going, it's working for me. Everyday I move my body and everyday I choose whole healthy foods, besides last Sunday, my first cheat day! I ate bacon, egg and hash browns and enjoyed every bite of it! The big bowl of fruit puffs a little later was over kill and the handful of mini chocolate chips was definitely pushing it, oh, and wine😬,  but at the end of the day it was what it was, a little cheat after weeks of making great decisions and now I'm back on track. My clothes are getting loser, my body is getting firmer and I'm happy. I can't ask for more than that. I'm mean, I can ask for my body to shrink faster! Then I remind myself to take it day by day, choice by choice…baby steps.

If you NEED comfort foods like I do, here is a recipe I'd like to share. Beef stroganoff on the light side but so comforting.

1 lb mushrooms, chopped
1 onion, chopped
3 or more garlic cloves, chopped
Add 1 lb. ground beef
Cook until beef is cooked through
Add 1 box or can condensed cream of mushroom soup
Heat through.
Remove from heat.
Add ½ C low fat sour cream
¼ C sour cream
Serve over spiraled zucchini.
Add hot sauce if desired.

Have a blessed week.

