Wednesday, August 31, 2016

30 Day Challenge!


Current Weight: 225 lbs (another pound down...Yay me!)

30 Day Challenge!

I decided that with the kids going back to school that I needed a new challenge for myself. When the kids are in school it's good and bad. We have more structure but it is also crazy busy. What sparked me to do this was one of my fit mom's asked yesterday if I wanted to start a 30 day water challenge.  I looked at it and thought....sure that seems simple enough and not too overwhelming. And then I thought wonder what other 30 day challenges are out there I could try. Truthfully I had to search alittle. I didn't want anything that was too difficult because if it was I new I wouldn't finish it. But these 3 that I found seem pretty reasonably easy and feasible that I can do them. My little one actually starts school full time next week and the school she goes to is located at a gym so I really have no excuses not to go to the gym because I will be there everyday to drop her off anyway. Now don't get me wronge I will still totally try to make excuses for not going but the difference is they will not be good ones. Lol 

On a side note I took my daughter to the chiropractor yesterday and the doctor actually asked if I had lost weight. This was actually pretty exciting to me because she falls under the people I classify as a valid compliment because I didn't tell her I was dieting and we aren't friends so she has no reason to BS me. So I felt like it was a real compliment so I was pretty excited about that. It's funny how one little compliment can get you strength to keep going. 

So anyway wish me luck on my 30 day challenges.  I can't wait to get started and tell you guys next week how it is going. That's what I love about writing this blog. It keeps me accountable because if I tell you guys I'm going to do something then I have to do it because if I don't then I also have to tell you I didn't.  Maybe I'll try to rope my hubby into doing it with me too. Until next week!!!

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