Wednesday, August 3, 2016



Discouraged is exactly how I feel right now. I feel like such a complainer lately but the whole point of this blog was to be honest and real. And the truth of the matter is for me there has been more let downs then victories. Part of it is my own fault because I am not doing everything I could be doing to lose weight. But it is still frustrating when I actually try and I still don't lose weight. And I know the fact that I didn't gain weight is kind of a victory but that is not much consolation when I feel like I did actually try.

My 4 year old Savannah had a Superhero class last week at the gym I am a member of. Normally I would have just sat and watched the class and done nothing but instead I decided to go in the gym and actually work out. And to be honest once I did it I was glad I did. I actually felt good and like I accomplished something. I actually see why people like to work out in the morning.  It makes you feel better for the rest of the day. I will say though I find it highly annoying how hard you have to workout to burn such a small amount of calories. My oldest daughter Syndey said that should help me think twice before I eat a cookie because now I know how hard that is to burn off. That just goes to show the difference between me and her. She thinks that and I think why bother exercising if it hardly burns any calories. That goes back to last week's blog. Guess I still have some work to do in changing my mindset.

I also tried harder with my food choices as well. I still wasn't crazy strict with it but I was way better then I have been. I was actually looking forward to getting on the scale this week. I thought for sure I would have lost at least a pound. But I got on that scale and it didn't change at all. That was so discouraging. I feel like every week I am contemplating should I just stay fat and say the hell with it? I keep contemplating do I really care that much? As of now I can't answer that. I guess I am going to just stay the course and keep trying. But if I am being honest I am teetering on the edge just hanging on for dear life. I know that many of you can understand exactly what I am saying and feel the same way and right now that is the only thing keeping me going.

Well there is always next week. Guess I will just see what the future holds. 

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