When I agreed to do this blog... I did not realize that I needed to add a number in my profile. I would be happy to add that I am the mother of 4 children. Or that I've been married for almost 17 years. I am 5' 9" tall. It would have been easier to give out my personal cell phone # then to put the one before the lb. I wear a size 16, I am 39 years old and I weighed 242 lbs at my last doctors appointment, 2.5 weeks ago. Happy to report that after being scared straight... That number is 227lb today.
My A1C number and cholesterol count may have been the numbers that were the ones that actually scared me straight. I have my A1C tested every 6 months as a Follow up to gestational diabetes. This time my number was 6.8 and in summary if I have another number over 6.6 I will be diagnosed with adult onset diabetes. Which in my case, is completely avoidable. ( A1C is an average measure of your sugar count over a 3 month period) The cholesterol numbers were equally frightening with low good and high bad cholesterol counts. Again pretty certain these are completely controllable with diet and exercise.
So when I ask myself what is going to Drive my Heath journey... It is not solely in the numbers and what the numbers break down to, but the consequences of the numbers and what they will mean to me and my family if I don't make changes.
I am a 39 year old mamma who is at risk of heart disease and diabetes because of the choices I make daily. If I'm being honest... I have these risk factors for a few reasons, one is the amount of sugar I have put into my body, two is I always have an excuse as to why today there isn't enough time for me, and three I haven't taken the science of an aging body seriously. When my Doctor so kindly looked over these numbers at my appointment he asked this question..... What's your plan?
What are you going to do about these numbers? He said this is a loving kind tone. He wasn't reprimanding me or telling me I have no self control. He followed the question with this... What is it going to take for you to make YOU a priority? I shrug my shoulders... Wanting so badly for him to snap his fingers and give me the magic Answer. He did not. What he gave me was 3 months to make some changes and the empowerment of saying.... You are worth this!
I need to be Driven. Being asked to blog was 3 days after this appointment and for me was my sign that I am worth this and maybe I can encourage others along the way. Accountability is contagious and has always been a good motivator for me!
The Goals.... Win at the numbers game! Lower my A1C, Lower my Cholesrerol, reduce my risk of heart disease, exercise 3 times per week...( increase heart rate for 30 minutes... Not slowly walking and counting it as my exercise plan) drop 60bs ( already down 15.. 45 more to go), eliminate processed sugar, Set a good example for my children, care enough about me to invest in Me. To be Fit by 40.... I have until Thanksgiving day 2016.
This is a picture of me and my daughter on 4/2/16
I love the symbol of Lady Liberty standing behind me. It's a great reminder of 2 things: 1- I can have freedom from sugar addiction and reckless eating 2- height helps carry the weight, but isn't an excuse for it. ( lady liberty has zero back fat
This is a pic of me and my nephew on 4/22/16... I can already tell a difference in my face
I love this quote!!
Becky Higgins is a wise woman.... My end goal of being healthy and having good numbers to report.... Is what I need to keep in the mirror daily! The end is so worth this!!!
Blessings for a week full of wellness! Remember to give yourself grace if you slip up on your journey. Be Driven.
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